SCCT Situational Crisis Communication Theory by Timothy  Coombs 2007

Hier eine Kurzform-Erklärung der SCCT, einer etablierten Theorie zur Erklärung des Zusammenhangs von Krisenverantwortung, -verhalten und -effekt.

There is plenty of research being conducted in order to determine the consequences of crisis communication. Coomb’s Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT) 2007 represents a theoretical framework to understand the connection between crisis situations and response strategies. Coombs aim is to identify appropriate crisis response strategies to sustain organizational reputation. The central issue of the SCCT is the crisis responsibility.

It is clustered in three crisis types: the victim , Accidental, Intentional
Preconditions like the crisis history and the prior reputation also play an important role when evaluating the threat of a crisis.

Crisis Response strategies can be divided into
  • Denial / attacking the accuser , (Sündenbock)
  • Diminishment / Excusing
  • Rebuilding / Apology
  • Bolstering / Victimage

According to SCCT, PR managers are advised to adopt more accommodative crisis response strategies (e.g., apology and compensation) when the organization is believed to bear a higher level of crisis responsibility. 

Understanding the effects of Twitter-based crisis communications strategies on brand reputation
Master thesis by Courtney Boman:

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